LifeHouse Child Advocacy Center is a nationally accredited Child Advocacy Center (CAC) in Topeka, Kansas. LifeHouse is a community based, nonprofit agency designed to meet the needs of child victims.
No single agency has all the knowledge, skills or resources to serve the needs of child victims and their families. LifeHouse implemented a team of professionals (the Safe Talk Team) that brings together those agencies with the most expertise with child sexual and physical abuse.
The Multi-Disciplinary Team works together to conduct joint forensic interviews and make team decisions about the investigation, treatment, management and prosecution of child abuse cases. These disciplines include law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy.
For child victims and witnesses of abuse, knowing there are caring adults who will help can make all the difference in the world. These young victims of crime, and their non-offending family members, face an emotional challenge in telling their story and seeking help. LifeHouse is a child-friendly, safe place where these children can be heard and understood so the healing process can begin.
Above all, LifeHouse Child Advocacy Center is focused on helping kids be kids again.